Our Earth produces something called greenhouse gases. Greenhouse Gas is in the atmosphere (like water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) they are all useful because they trap heat, warming our planet. If we didn’t have this heat our planet would be 30 degrees Celsius colder, making it very hard for humans to live.
In recent years, huge amounts of greenhouse gases have been released into the atmosphere. Now because of the extra greenhouse gas larger amounts of warmth is being trapped. Our planet is getting extremely hot unless we act fast.
The ways we can stop too much greenhouse gas getting trapped in our atmosphere is to:
-Plant trees and bushes
-Eat less meat, plant your own veggies
-Switch off household objects when you have finished with them.
-If its a sunny day use the clothesline instead of using the washing machine
-Try and stop using heaters and air conditioning, if hot or cold change your outfit to suit the temperature you want
-Walk, bike or use public transport to get around
-learn to cook, buy bulk bags of food which is using less packaging
-use a compost instead of taking food scraps to the dump
-wear hand-me-downs or op shop clothes
I have received this information from the School journal, part 3, number 1, 2011
I wonder if you could research you digital footprint now you have found out so much about your carbon footprint.