
Friday, May 24, 2013



When someone has hypothermia most people don’t know what the symptoms are and how to prevent it. Sometimes the symptoms can be pretty noticeable but if its your first time out in the bush or even out in the snow watch your party for signs.

When your cold, have no energy or even have an injury, it is hard to stop hypothermia. So before you go out into the coldness of the forest remember that the causes of hypothermia are mostly when you are cold, wet and there is a lot of wind. If you have all of these things you could end up with severe hypothermia and sometimes you might even die.

To notice that someone in your party has hypothermia check for signs like if they were to be severely shivering you should know that their temperature has dropped down to 35 degrees, then at 33 degrees they would have something called severe hypothermia, next at 32 degrees the shivering stops which is a horrible sign, at 28 degrees their heart will start to beat irregularly, finally at 20 degrees the heart will stop and they will definitely die. The hardest sign is when they stop shivering, it could be they are warming up or getting even colder. Usually when they stop after 30 minutes of shivering it means they will soon stop breathing and could die.

People think that to cure someone with hypothermia is to warm them up but you have to follow a few rules. Find shelter first then take off any damp clothing, unpack the sleeping bag and put them inside, wait a while and if they are still shivering fill the sleeping bag with bottles of hot water. They should slowly be warming up but make sure they don’t warm up to fast or it could cause heat rashes or something worse. When trying to treat them though make sure to  never give them alcohol, rub their chest, or take any of their warm gear off because hypothermia can last up to 2 whole days.   

To prevent hypothermia you need to wear gloves and a beanie, woollen clothes that trap heat, a waterproof jacket and definitely try to avoid cotton. You would need to wear this out hiking because hypothermia is mainly caused by environmental factors.

There is different types of hypothermia such as:
Feeling cold-numbness in arms and legs.
Mild hypothermia- shivering, clumsy, irrational, confused, may appear drunk, denies problems, and slurred speech.
Moderate hypothermia- muscle stiffness.
Severe hypothermia- shivering stops, collapses, semi conscious, starts removing clothes.
Critical hypothermia- unconscious, no response to pain, slow pulse breathing, grey, blue, or pink coloured skin.
Cardiac hypothermia- no pulse, stopped breathing, pupils have enlarged, possibly dead. These all sound horrible and they are, the only way to handle someone with severe hypothermia is to get that person on a helicopter gently and make sure its not too hot so they don’t warm up too fast. Also if it’s only mild hypo you can cure it with a simple hot chocolate and a nice warm bath.

Another way to prevent hypothermia is to eat the right food. The best food to eat is nourishing food such as, cheese, bread, peanut butter, and muesli bars. Before that you should've eaten a good healthy breakfast and sometimes when you on the move try eating something like chocolate or snack bars with lots of energy inside. As for drinks, a thermos of hot water will be fine and should last you awhile.   

Last of all, plan your trip. By planning your trip you'll need to check the weather, and make sure you know how many people are in your party incase someone does get hypothermia. If you have already left, make sure you allow breaks to get your energy back but to also put more clothing on.

Interveiw reflection

We made a slide to show our parents for our interviews. This shows what I thought of  this term so far.

Friday, May 17, 2013

My life from 2002 to 2013

This shows what has happened in my life from 2002 to 2013.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

The Broken Arm

Today at school we had to practice what to do when someone has a critical injury such as a broken arm. We have done this to practice for camp in case someone gets hurt on a walk.

We had to get into our camp groups and discuss who would play the role as the injured person, the camera crew, and last but not least the 'Nurse'. Once that was done we had to take 6 photos for 6 scenes. For each photo we had to write instructions of what to do when someone is in agony.

We used glad wrap as a bandage for many reasons like, it is easy to twist to put more pressure on gashes, it won't stick to your skin if its a burn. Also when you need to see what's going on glad wrap is see through.

Today we had so much fun and I am looking forward to doing more work on First Aid.

John Roil, bush safety

On the 15th of April we had a special guest come to room 17 to teach us about bush safety, his name was John Roil. John has spent some time in the territorial force and the regular force so he is very experienced with living outdoors.

Before you go tramping there are a few rules you need to know. First you should contact at least two people and tell them you're going outdoors and what time you should be back in case of an emergency. By telling two people you have to remember to ring them as soon as you get back in case they think you're lost. Another rule is to train for your walk instead of just acting like you can handle it. A way to help with your training is to wear woollen socks, two pairs will still give you blisters but woollen socks are supposed to prevent blisters from happening. Talking about suitable clothes wear some comfortable shoes that have adjusted to your feet. For your legs you should wear some nice warm pants with shorts overtop. Finally the last part  of your dress code, you need a thermal singlet with a short sleeve t-shirt overtop.

When you’re packing your home away from home bag always remember to pack your sleeping gear at the bottom of your bag. On top of that you have a torch, water, batteries, lighter, food, warm clothes, a tent, and a beanie. Next in your bag is the easy to reach appliances such as: drink bottle, wet weather gear, and extra space to put on or take off clothes.  

There are some outdoor rules that you need to follow to stay safe outside. STAR is one of the most important rules, STAR stands for Stop, Think, Asses, Respond. Another rule is avoiding certain types of plants that could harm you. Those plants are stinging nettle and bush lawyer. Last but not least when needing to stop make sure the whole group stops or if you have gone too far off the track stay put don’t go wandering around thinking you know the way back it could cause more trouble.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

My Nana's roast dinner

We sat on the couch with our noses filled with the sweet smell of roast. My Mum had just pulled out the lamb and stirred up all the vegetables with the creamy cheese sauce. We had a range of food, lamb, stuffed potatoes, veggies with sauce and peas. The food was all cooked by the wonderful chef, my Mum. The table was set out perfectly with the dinner spread out. We all sat down covering our plates in the delicious feast.

The reason we were having this scrumptious dinner was to celebrate my Nanas birthday. She was turning 51 and I could tell it was the best 51st birthday ever. Her presents contained a Samsung tablet and homemade cards filled with hugs, kisses and horrifying singing.

“Happy birthday to you, put you hand down the loo, if you feel something squishy, it’s a present for you.”
“Hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray” we screamed the song rapidly.


Carbon footprint difference

Our Earth produces something called greenhouse gases. Greenhouse Gas is in the atmosphere (like water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) they are all useful because they trap heat, warming our planet. If we didn’t have this heat our planet would be 30 degrees Celsius colder, making it very hard for humans to live.
In recent years, huge amounts of greenhouse gases have been released into the atmosphere. Now because of the extra greenhouse gas larger amounts of warmth is being trapped. Our planet is getting extremely hot unless we act fast.

The ways we can stop too much greenhouse gas getting trapped in our atmosphere is to:
-Plant trees and bushes   
-Eat less meat, plant your own veggies
-Switch off household objects when you have finished with them.
-If its a sunny day use the clothesline instead of using the washing machine
-Try and stop using heaters and air conditioning, if hot or cold change your outfit to suit the temperature you want
-Walk, bike or use public transport to get around
-learn to cook, buy bulk bags of food which is using less packaging
-use a compost instead of taking food scraps to the dump
-wear hand-me-downs or op shop clothes

I have received this information from the School journal, part 3, number 1, 2011